Really, they do… And you’d think with their $100K debts in exchange for some kind of “Liberal Arts” degree – like (gah!) “Gender Studies” they’d have to take enough English, art, history, sculpture… Enough various arts, crafts, storytelling, writing classes to be naturally EXCELLENT at…
Tag: warrior
WoTC goes full HALF CUCK – tries to appease some, satisfies NONE!!!
Give em ain inch – they’ll hate you for not already giving them a MILE… It seems WoTc has made what in outside “Crazy clown world” would be a sensible if pathetic response to microscopic criticism… They put a form disclaimer on older products that…
What the CUCK!? What the CUCK are you on, D&D?
aka- Foolish pandering to pressure groups by RPG companies that SHOULD know better. FYI – any images I use I cite “Fair Use” – privately hosted blog. This BloggVs MaXXXimVs is an open letter of sorts to Dungeons and Dragons – and other major gaming…