Greetings, My Fishes!Re-launching this blog now that I’m done with Twitter… It would seem that Twitter is still run by whiny woke-oid SJWs even after Elon Musk took over. Been banned with zero response or appeal. And that’s interesting because for all the naughty pics I posted over the…
Stupid SJW is as Stupid SJW does on Star Wars
Special “BloggVs MaXXXimVs” for precious INDIVIDUAL Snowflake SJW that managed to go viral over twitter then HID when there was backlash to the stupid frogwash she regurgitated… Lordy, this would have made a good “One Angry Gamer” article – the frogwash about this being re-hashed. And the backlash from Twitter…
Midnight Castle Succubus – GammVs MaXXXimVs
Greetings refugees from “One Angry Gamer” — as I mentioned last article I can’t re-create OAG. Well, mabye I could, but I’d have to give up comics and or (other alias) storytelling, both a bit hampered due to depression and other duties. Not ‘clinical’ I’m no fucking snowflake but isolation…
R.I.P. “One Angry Gamer”
Disclaimer – this is “One Man’s Opinion” – also a PRIVATELY hosted blog – no “Free” servers with complaint flags. I cite “Fair Use” for any images posted for review, parody, attitude and am not selling products based on use. Greetings! I am Imperator OffensiVeness MaXXXimVs! Self-publisher of comics, 3d…
Re-BUTTall to the Wizards of the CUCKz
Greetings, my Fishes! It is now time again for BloggVs MaXXXimVs! Today I felt I could keep the blood boiling with rage down so decided to tackle WoTC’s statement on justifying it’s “Shoot self in FOOT” level pandering to whining Social Justice warriors. This is their own words – posted…
Social Justice Warriors tell HORRIBLE stories.
Really, they do… And you’d think with their $100K debts in exchange for some kind of “Liberal Arts” degree – like (gah!) “Gender Studies” they’d have to take enough English, art, history, sculpture… Enough various arts, crafts, storytelling, writing classes to be naturally EXCELLENT at telling good stories. The predecessors…
WoTC goes full HALF CUCK – tries to appease some, satisfies NONE!!!
Give em ain inch – they’ll hate you for not already giving them a MILE… It seems WoTc has made what in outside “Crazy clown world” would be a sensible if pathetic response to microscopic criticism… They put a form disclaimer on older products that some people claiming to have…
What the CUCK!? What the CUCK are you on, D&D?
aka- Foolish pandering to pressure groups by RPG companies that SHOULD know better. FYI – any images I use I cite “Fair Use” – privately hosted blog. This BloggVs MaXXXimVs is an open letter of sorts to Dungeons and Dragons – and other major gaming companies who have or are…
Not Half a FUCK…!
-or- Enough with the toxic virtue takedown culture! This particular thing really caught my ire – after Cancel Culture went rabidly for Grant Morrison coz some lady said he ‘groomed’ her…. Uh, this is the guy that rammed “Vertigo” stuff full of worship of William S. Burroughs, had a mastabatory…
WoTC went WOKE – now it’s time they go BROKE
Note – I won’t use any D&D “Official” images even from the past – likely a fake DMCA takedown might be abused – just FYI this is a PRIVATELY hosted blog – I have free speech to the letter of the law – any DMCA abuse you’ll get sued back…