Don’t worry, PRECIOUS, Individual SNOWFLAKES… This isn’t a call for any violence or stalking. Cancel Culture and violence is your bitter cup.
I’m going to simply do what I’ve done for years – but with friends now and many on my side versus just being an ‘edgelord’ as the least screaming hateful thing you so-called “Woke” have ever called me.
This is my own little creation, my Fishes – now I am talking to those that I appeal to. I made this without AI for the record, I do 3DCG as my main image output so don’t worry I “Stole” from someone. It IS a tribute to Azipiri (RIP) since I had been using one of my favorite images of his and didn’t want to run into copywrong. But a nude slave girl chained to a wall topless is way too generic, mmkay?
This is one of several or many upcoming plaques – a bit like my TTRPG works from earlier – this one applies BIG time:
Feel free to use this – those who respect free speech, free press, free markets and are free THINKERS! Those against CENSORSHIP and PANDERING!
Our goal, My Fishes, is to change the market. Namely to OPEN it to free and fair competition.
This to the left, My Fishes, is the ENEMY. The “Woke” the FAKE “Fashionably Radical” hipster of HATE. The false liberal. They are vicious hateful authoritarian communists who serve elitist corporate masters who control them by their popular media and pundits. They consider George Orwell’s “1984” a Utopia as long as the BOOT in the face of humanity forever is RAINBOW colored and made from ethically sourced sustainable materials…
I’m a real Liberal and I’m against racism, against sexism and I’m for about anything being tolerated… As that “Beastly” Mr Crowley said “Do what thou wilt” though I personally add “but try to harm no one”. I’m also a Gen X person who kind of wished he could have been a radical back in his day but our parents the “Old Hippies” were strict on the “No Violence” thing so couldn’t find anyone (Save blatant FED plants) wanting to do a “Project MAYHEM”… I’m not going to do anything illegal – quite the opposite I hope to inspire great change within the systems if I can inspire enough people to act. My affiliation for the Divine Emperor Gaius Germanicus Ceasar isn’t just perverse fancy – I respect the concept of the Republic and the later dream of America greatly.
We can raise our voices, write letters, do direct action and change many things. For this little ditty, my Fishes, I’m just asking us to start writing. Letters. Polite, concise, to the point. To your Senate and Congress reps which google can find places to mail it to.
Don’t burden them with this “Gamergate” drama.
Just ask them this:
1 – I wish you to vote against any luxury or media company – we don’t need to EAT Disney’s Live Action Little Mermaid, we should not have to pay for it if we decide not to buy it.
2 – the market is choked by big companies – please break them up and ensure free and fair competition.
3 – Please also have the SEC investigate “Short-Selling” of stock, especially these big companies that make all these products that fail but keep doing it. They might be betting against teams they own. Blackrock should be high on the list. If they find a company set to fail they can lock the stock for 20 years while the justice department investigates and even if found legal somehow keep it locked 20+ years so the next ones think ten times before doing it.
Sign and date. Consider a small donation as this will be a big election year.
That’s it, My Fishes!
Yes, my Fishes, I KNOW it’s a “Corrupt Swamp” still.
I am counting on it. A nice pile of letters where they’d have none could change things. Be polite and respectful, My Fishes. Again don’t burden them with this woke TRASH – just go after what feeds the cancel piggies – the big corporate agenda. Make them pay their taxes and obey the few remaining rules on free and fair competition. If they want to bribe their way out of it they will and let’s be real, lots of our reps will give in when they pour a pile of money on their desks. BUT because of our letters they’ll CHARGE them muchly much more to sell us out. The real angering thing is that in the dark a lobbyist gets $70K for every $1 in bribes. Each and every letter will close that gap, My Fishes.
Now – some “Woke” who might stumble on it will go “I’ll get my dorm to write 1000 letters to make yew kry!!!” etc.
I’m counting on that. I know what I’m requesting. I know what will work.
In the meantime, talking to my Fishes now – feel free to spread this for “Gamergate2” – free to use and spread around if you support a true free market. I won’t “Censor” the “Woke” games – I just want games where they want to make MONEY and care about CUSTOMERS not snowflakes who never will be customers demanding “Change”…
Bye for now, My Fishes, I’ll be back ASAP!
Imperator Offensiveness MaXXXimVs!
Postscript: I AM working on some games -but have to prioritize a TTRPG for a game company I like. Been puking sick like the Divine Emperor that fateful time but my health and vigor has returned and my mind is more level than ever. I might just make some game like this but I won’t give much info until it is developed. Too many steps right now though I did a bunch of work setting up the artwork and sounds and plans…!
Not going to be in full arcade cabinets though I’d be amazed if the Arcade Age could return and Adult Play only games were part of it…! Serious, almost happened. Here’s “Star Castle” for instance that used naked breasts on a Barbarella like model to sell a very simple vector game… Lots of games were made for bars that were ADULT areas – +18 to get drinks, cigarettes, chase the barflies, etc. Pong, Joust, Warlords – those are gold for such places btw if you have them. People will drink, play them with friends and keep going back to play them.