This is in love of my buddy Maxx Feral’s starting blog posts on ideas to make new movies. He’s for more mainstream faire such as his awesome collection of science fiction and fantasy + adventure books that would make very good movies without too much compromise or debasement. I’m for this of course, but as anyone knows I’m for the more…adult oriented faire…!
While of course I’d love to make a “Hard R” movie that has extreme content, is clearly for adults but is not mere smut there is kind of a grey area I’d love if someday were explored.
For a short-list there’s another Grindhouse revival – the Noir and 70s era nostalgia… I might do a separate one as my “Caged Women in the Hell Jail” is pure Grindhouse – the Corman revival Women in Prison to be precise…
However – as this post is titled the real push for “Hard R” should be to save James Bond…
First – we need some friendly corporation perhaps formed in interest to buy out the franchise with a charter to rescue Bond and the genre without pandering to non-customers who’ll never purchase the product. Or – more realistically – form our OWN superspy genre movie theater which will be able to after a few successful ventures.
Second – the way to do it is much like my friend Maxx’s one on sci-fi and adventure, fantasy… TONS of awesome novels that were written in a “Cinematic” fashion so you read them like a movie not deeply read for layers of meaning and hidden clues. Literature takes many forms – I’d not dream of telling Gene Wolfe to remove or spell out his symbolism – but we also need just plain entertainment. God help us if they adapt Gene Wolfe’s works into a movie… Think Dune then add several more layers of things it’d be difficult to put on the screen without spelling it out.
A sexy superspy on the other hand….
Most of these were written in the late (post Ginsberg-Burroughs court case) “Sweat Paperback” era so they had to be high on plot and low but enough on the sex so if they were a movie they’d be “Hard-R” – technically an X-rating but realistically like the failed NC-17 rating which was to differentiate anything that’d be smut from things too artistic or clearly not for kids but still with plot.
IF the franchise is obtained we can certainly go “In the world of James Bond 007” as most were barely a word and 1970s loose copyright from a lawsuit. Why not have some “00069X” agent show up at a tiki bar and and have Sean Connery’s James Bond (Digital) give her her mission while he’s grabbing the butt of a tiki dancer at a tiki bar – then she runs through various world locations, has lots of fights, gets captured and tortured or faces a death trap, escapes, finds a cute lady to lick the cunt of and some men then saves the world from a lunatic supervillain… Note with Musk, Bezos, Gates, Epstein we have TONS of adult boys with too much $ for toys and we envy them and hate them – so easy to parody for a bad guy.
Believe it or not “In the day…” lots of adults were going ‘This is fun but NO WAY could a man become that F-ing rich to build that seastead or …” and yes, back in the day…
THAT is the literary value of the “Sexy Superspy Movie” set in a nostalgia bubble of the 60s and 70s or even the 80s. It shows an America we no longer have and it shows the REASON for it. The lie of “Trickle Down” where tons of tax breaks, subsidies, ignoring laws, bailouts were given to the biggest of companies hoping it’d somehow help the common man. It clearly has NOT. Thus we have a crushing wealth imbalance that hurts everyone’s life no matter how hard we work or how many ‘degrees’ from the debt factories we have. And what DO we get for it? Oh, some ultra elites have more power than most government officials and get to play with rockets just out of boredom.
But banging a sign on a soap box gets ignored.
Why not just make movies with the lush and relatively easy to live and possible for an anybody to prosper or a genius hard worker to get pretty rich by our standards from the ground up…? I’d go back in time to do it, losing the modern computer tech in exchange for a nice big home shag carpet and wooden panels for a working man’s salary… I could make a synthesizer better than anything out in 15 years with a type of chip they put out in the 70s so I’d be a Rock Gawd soon or make $ selling my keyboard to Wakeman and many others. Not that I think I’ll get a time machine, rather I’ll be able to make a virtual one for everyone with such stories in film.
Imagine such an escape to an era – to when “Hippie” kids running around for 5 years to a decade living in Teepees, protesting and getting arrested, doing bit jobs for fun but then they can go back and finish the degree and still have an excellent standard of living. The ones that got business degrees and law degrees instead of protesting and being activists got RICH – not Elon Musk or Bezos rich but they had two or three LARGE homes and a vacation home and RV AND could take vacations and have evenings to sit in their dens and read. Versus people with MORE college than them working multiple jobs or living in a car to pay debt and endless shrinkflations and seeing nothing but a slow drowning life…? Look at the pic to the left – you could have rigged up your downstairs den this way without being in debt AND would have TIME to use it if you had some education and a solid career.
That isn’t the only reason – the Xers and even moreso Y and Mils whatever are SUCK bad at voting and being politically active despite today’s tech putting it at your fingertips to get informed of the issue and make sure you have your VoterID cards, Absentee voting, Ais and mailing lists to join a local City Council to get that empty mall taken for back taxes and turned into a real mall and/or a Japanese style short-stay hotel/cafe, public low profit gym, day care…?
Well such a movie – a “Sexy-SuperSpy” can do that arguing and soapboxing. Yes, hidden messages. But “am I your enemy because I speak the Truth!?” – I don’t give a FUCK about today’s FAKE left or right or the FAKE news. Oh, btw, Ray-Gun ended the “Fairness Doctrine” late 70s that also helped news get FAKE among many other things. However just by showing the world we had then showing the beginnings of the world we have now in the margins… That’d do a lot more. Not to let some fucking fake “Side” win but by getting more people actively voting and other things so the looters don’t have virtual immunity.
The SEX is also a big part of this:
See the left? When they made James Bond films, Playboy and Penthouse made special issues to show the ladies Mr. Bond got to FUCK. While men needed looks and good social skills or a big prosperity/confidence they got women all the time. Got to fuck them raw and squirt inside them and snuggle. Sometimes for a while, sometimes they found their wives after a few encounters. There was rarely any trouble – most VD was cured with Penicillin and the ladies took the Pill until they found the right guy.
Now too many avoid this all together. I’m able to tour around the world and won’t get into that here but I understand them just turning to porn. They are even afraid to be in the same room with a woman lest later be it a week or decades she presses charges to benefit herself and hurt him. I do not agree with any real violence or coercion of women but I bet 90% of “MeeToo” things are just old failed actresses using today’s decay to get back at some director who slept with her but didn’t give her too many movie parts because she wasn’t a good actress… But if it can take down a big name with good $ for NOT being able to prove they didn’t do a crime in the late 80s or 90s an ordinary “Worker-Slave” has zero chance. Even if they behaved like an angel some ex co-worker will get too behind in the bills and file fake charges.
BTW there’s a concept called “Innocent until proven guilty” in American law – it shouldn’t be possible to convict someone of a big level crime under only one person’s word vs another’s. Yes, that is to let many guilty go free versus convicting/punishing a single innocent. It’s meant as a spit in the face of the vile Tyrant King of England. (George III, not Charles, MMMkay?) I don’t support violence or coercion on anyone but especially women for sex – if somehow I get the chance to make my own warped stories into movies I’ll have cameras recording 24/7 so when I tell some actress she gets a prominent part say “Nude on rack in background #3” or “unnamed Lady that escapes into the swamp then is eaten by mutant monster” when she complains the couch is just a junk couch and strips and I go “No no you got the part…” etc. and she goes “Are you GAY!?” (as if that’s bad these days, though NO) and storms off well CMA 10+ years later when she sags and all the $ was spent on a scum boyfriend now divorcing her and suing for Alimony and she wonders who she can sue. Likewise unless there is proof a “MeeToo” from decades past should be treated if even considered true as criminal A&A in the accuser. IF they accepted some action in exchange for a job, acting or otherwise, and didn’t complain until long after they enabled a criminal to keep assaulting victims. If there was a charge filed even decades ago the (alleged) criminal doing it would have likely done it less or stopped fearing consequences.
I feel sorry for Soy’d out low testosterone Millennial boys. If I had more $ and time I’d want to take a few of them to some places in Asia or India and push a cute woman to them, to find them good wives and save a pretty young girl from compromising her virtue in exchange for a ticket to a place that’s still a lot better than hers… But I’d be seen as a criminal and pervert for doing that… Sad, really. I don’t mean just having a boy squirt in an Asian lady as a step to being a Sigma that is a master of but not mastered by women… I mean more that if you vacation and know people they’ll go “Hey, who’s your young friend?” and want to match him with some virtuous young lady to get her and family a to America legally and save her from perhaps ending up in that oldest profession. He’d likely turn into a very nice hard working man who’d not touch my X-rated material with a 100 foot pole not in fear of a divorce but displeasing a lady he’d love 100%. And she and her family would be legal immigrants who work hard and not even jaywalk and teach you how to appreciate the dream of the Founding Fathers.
But I digress…
This call to revive and make new the “Superspy of the 1960s or shag-a-delic 1970s” but serious and open is a call to try to get people wanting the American Dream again. For all the action, races, fun and SEX there’d be the America we used to have for real. The post-war prosperity before it got bled away to Cayman island bank accounts by REAL “Supervillains” who just started out rich and leeched and leeched and cheated taxes and bought up politicians and media men so they didn’t have to pay taxes or face the law like normal people. Matter of fact having this mentioned in the background – much like Austin Powers joked – is a call to get people active. Imagine – some fiction where a real evil rich elite goes “Oh, poor Doktor Zorb… He wanted to rule the world with a crown for what…to see two goat herders in some –istan scream over who owns a goat with a 3 mile petitioner line? I just make money in tiny fees I hide in utility bills and redouble those with high interest loans that rival Mafia loan sharks but are LEGAL! MI6 should send someone after me, I’ll do far more damage! bwoahahahahah!” etc.
It’d sell the escape and fun of earlier eras most were in diapers or not around yet.
The real “Politics”/”Message” would inspire people to demand this back. No revolution, just end Corporate Welfare and the Government ignoring their CRIMES and Tax Avoision.. Is THAT too “Radical” to demand!?
That’s a call for “Social Justice” I could get behind, what about you?
Ram your FIST into “Political Correctness”‘s ASS. Fight for what is right, not for a fake “Side”.
Imperator Offensivness MaXXXimVs.