Welly, welly, welly Mr Mouse…
We’ve been expecting you…
Steamboat Willie on the Internet archive.
It’s been a long time coming. Oh, we were so fond of Disney and Mickey Mouse – until after the Millenium then… Well as a dear friend said Walt is DEAD, not FROZEN… Link to his blog on it.
I hope I was just a small part of the social push to NOT let Disney have any extension this time. Matter of fact I think it is the real reason I was banned from Twitter not that I can get a response. I encouraged people to do the unthinkable – to WRITE – snail mail – letters to Congress and Senators to ask for NO copyright extension and to deny them bailouts. And “Short-Selling” so they can make horrible lousy garbage but have us pay for it. I don’t hold my gladius to your neck to demand you browse my sites or buy any of my products, my Fishes…
This year the real CopyWRONG battle begins.
SteamBoat Willie aka Mickey Mouse 1.0 is public domain so you can include him in animations, comics, stories as long as you don’t try to make something to confuse consumers its an official Disney product under trademark…. Problem is that is what modern coffin riders do – they abuse Trademark to attempt to extend copyright on literary properties into effective infinity. Also ones with no legit copyright file false claims knowing its easier to pay them than fight it.
The legacy of Disney – again link up top, my buddy Maxx Feral said it all better.
Just this year we need to fight to get some of that ground back. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. And you can do something by:
1 – keep alert – report abuses to the EFF, ACLU and CBLDF as appropriate. Sane fair literary use should be 100% OK even for profit and you should be able to make a family friendly G-Rated “Steamboat Willie by YOU” if you put a disclaimer it’s not a Disney official product. He doesn’t have to be sprouting a massive mouse cock and holding dangling guts from another cartoon character aka Itchy and Scratchy.
2 – within reason support said products if they appeal to you. I’m looking forward to buying a retro themed shooter aka Gangster Mickey. Not too much into the gory horror but I drool to buy a legit reprinted comic of “Air Pirates Funnies!
3 – also support the various groups IF they are working for it. CBLDF – Comic Book Legal Defense Fund seems to be working on a guideline and plan to defend at least visual media/comics which is their focus. They assured a friend they aren’t ONLY into defending “Gender Queer” and the rainbow brigade but all comics and visual media. Disney is weakened now but still very powerful – but lawyers avoid going into legal battles they are going to clearly lose even if a client has more pride than care for a pocketbook. Since Disney DOMINATES and has house lawyers they’ve been able to abuse copyright to break this rule – but a republication of Air Pirates will likely go through this time at worst demanding a disclaimer on the cover – and then many more 3rd party ones featuring Mickey Mouse and the others as they go into the Public Domain.
4 – most importantly – keep up the letters, My Fishes! Polite, concise, to the point. WRITE your Congress and Senate reps, My Fishes! Gamble a stamp and a few minutes. Sign and date. Demand that no media company gets bailed out, no luxury company either. We do not need to EAT Mickey Mouse. Marvel is not a major key employer. The balance of food does not depend on Disney.
Why then are they allowed to make flop after flop after flop – how comics companies excrete woke comics that have generated more BRICKS than the end of the 90s Comic Boom? And again I’d rather read “Trencher” 10x in a row than a so-called “Woke” Marvel comic.
The reason is they can get bailouts, tax breaks and do something called “Short-Selling” or betting against the team they own. Instead of Criminal Fraud its allowed. Look up Gamestop early 2021 for one of the rare times this got public.
We need to END “Corporate Welfare”, My Fishes!
Our tax money has been leeched for decades. It has NOT “Trickled Down” like the warm pee of the Divine Emperor’s mistresses but has gone sideways into Cayman Island accounts and Irish Banks. What would you say about a “Welfare Bum” who goes to the unemployment office once a month and “If that ain’t wohk ah don know what is!?” – well our elite welfare bums make shit products, ship jobs to China, lose money hand over fist and demand WE pay for them. What do they give us? Nothing. They take and take and take. We have garbage movies and media that appeal to everyone but then appeal to NO ONE. We have jobs lost rapidly to AI as if foreign factories that are tax subsidized and illegal immigrant exploitation wasn’t doing enough damage. We have limited choice and a locked out market hard to enter even with an internet that should make storefronts and shelf space obsolete.
And they only want more from us again and again.
Time to tell those welfare bums at the tops of towers and secret “Groves” and pedo island paradises they need to WORK for their living and compete with others with NO tax breaks. If they fail or jump out a window – well if they did anything worth anything someone else will fill the need. That’s real capitalism. The government is there to regulate things to avoid say toxic waste sold as food and too few companies controlling too much to force prices/quality > supply and demand. Yes, my Fishes, the Government does need to lend a hand, – say setting the price of bread and other basic commodities. That was an error they made in the 90s, btw. They let a few companies monopolize basic things like paper towels, toilet paper, hand sanitizer. Stuff they didn’t want to compete over and so the Government gave them our tax $ to provide them dirt cheap but so we’d always have them. Then what happened? Remember the “Post Soviet” look on the shelves when the slightest bump aka Covid hit? Same reason, it’s Socialist/Communist – this Corporate Welfare and it needs to END at least “As we know it”.
Disney is small fry in comparison…
Enjoy the toons, My Fishes!
Offensiveness MaXXXimVs!