Greetings, My Fishes!
Re-launching this blog now that I’m done with Twitter…
It would seem that Twitter is still run by whiny woke-oid SJWs even after Elon Musk took over. Been banned with zero response or appeal.
And that’s interesting because for all the naughty pics I posted over the years my biggest arguments of recent weeks were for the free speech for Old School TTRPGs (like D&D) to maintain their integrity – and defending an old “Comic Book Guy” from countless harassers online because he pointed out how the mainstream comics were failing and people didn’t want to buy issues written by adult babies flattering themselves… So did I poke too many “Woke” and they hit the complaint button again like rats in a skinner box and finally hit the right combination to get me banned?
I’ve been limited there in the past, such as for “Violence” where during BLM riots I posted pics from when some of them smashed a raccoon to death just for fun, “Waiting for Orders”. Literally their city burning in the background they were sitting around waiting for orders and they killed some poor trash panda just trying to escape the fires. I didn’t post gory stuff, just images of when they were about to attack it. But “Account locked for violent imagery”!? And given the “Choice” of taking it down or waiting 2 weeks + for a human to get there…? Neat way the Woke-Oids could defend the BLM rioters burning down cities so the services they were given by big companies keeping real businesses out of their areas could then welch even on that tax break…
So – without further ado – FUCK TWITTER/X!!!!
I can put up all sorts of dirty shit here! Letter of the law in the USA. My stuff from image collections to my own creation is all drawings or 3D but fictional characters. I hope Twitter didn’t block me because of an anime image – in the warped minds of the SJW/Woke even the Sorceress from Dragon’s Crown is a “Loli” – serious…
I am NOT kidding, people…. The “Woke” on twitter will flag an image like this as Lolita. Fundamentalists tried to tag Playboy as Loli also decades ago, and I mean the “Hourglass” bunny ladies. I heard them screaming this on TV and outside magazine shops and well to me as a kid the “Playboy Bunnies” and women in the magazine looked super old…
So I can post stuff here – when I abandoned this two years ago I got a flood of spam and it was glacial, sometimes to write a setence and upload. It seems FAR faster. In the past WordPress from Dreamhost was the only thing I didn’t recommend to everyone while trying to get people to sign up if they got kicked from Social Media too often or their own “Free” webhosting taken down by complaints.
This is MY hosting and I’m “Letter of the Law in the USA!!!”
Oh, well…
I was getting sick of Twitter and its limitations regardless…. Someone insults you, I’d just insult back but they’d hit the flag and I’d get a warning even if I didn’t use anything racial, sexual, threatening… Like Crybullies at a school.
OH – on that note – while THIS is backed by my PAID hosting, letter of the law in the USA I’m not going to waste any more time with trolls. Dobutless some argument I had was used to justify the block. Here I can go ONE ANGRY GAMER…but got better things to do.
SO if I get insulted, I’ll just BLOCK and or erase – and I’ve signed up for an anti-spam service too!
Mind you I do welcome debate, discourse, discussion – even passionate arguments. However, I can also “Agree to Disagree”. I miss the old days of being able to have friends on complete opposite sides of various fences but we could shoot at the range, fish, play video games, cruise the malls. I’ll let others get their points in and it’s not the end of the world if one has a better point than the other. You have not “Lost” it just means perhaps THINK what you are on, not to re-commit or change but just decide for yourself.
And I know the difference between that and Cry-Bullies just provoking a fight. Those that want to have me waste days ‘arguing’ with them while they just insult more and more.
Here’s more naughty pics!
Frankly we are approaching a real “Dead internet theory” where we’ll only be able to log in to shop and the big corporations will isolate EVERYONE from each other to avoid any sort of revolt. So they’ll isolate us and create fake traffic. Musk while he makes a good effort to claim to be on Free Speech’s side has to Kowtow to those steadfastly against it. Serious – that “Anti—” group – their own website for strategies urges people to go to ISPs to try to get them to ban or install TOS’s, hire groups of monitors and boasts the internet is NOT a “Free speech zone”. Oh, and to speak against them is “hate speech”. Wonder if our American boys and girls in service will be sent for some “Operation Human Shield” in their country?
The solution is going back to old school internet. While I worked on my social media I neglected my real websites despite paying good money for Dreamhost – – which is “Letter of the Law in the USA” for content and pretty cheap still. Sacrifice two beers/fancy lattes a month you have a service you can’t be casually “Cancelled” for by any number of wokeoids hitting the complaint flag. Most ISPs are like that if NOT “Free” – the “Free” ones aka “Social Media” have already gotten what they wanted when you signed up; your data to market to you.
That’s why they are so top heavy TOS and letting adult bully ‘woke’ people work for them cheaply – corporate world loves smooth and bland and thus wipes out anything that isn’t smooth and bland. They’ll use controversy and sell to both sides, but a bland medium if there’s no competition is their friend. They are Corporate Welfare babies and not any friend of anyone trying to get their new invention or new story out – might be tomorrow’s competition if they can refuse to sell out and be today’s conquest.
Anyways, this might be a temporary return blog – Plan to make a non-wordpress blog and replacement to One Angry Gamer of a few years back.
Like all the pics!?
I’m glad I can drop about ANYTHING here. Hustler Magazine – you can subscribe for less than the cover price of one physical a month and you can go to the archive and read cover to cover every issue back to day one including the articles, letters, advertisements…! Larry we are depraved without you, er deprived!
On to One Angry Gamer –
Years back there was a “One Angry Gamer” website. About the last “Wild West Internet Rules” place. People posted Wyatt Mann cartoons, made remarks that’d get you banned anywhere. It was the height of “Woke Twitter” but they only shouted when we posted links there – they never dared follow. Why? They couldn’t stand that people could insult back as nasty as they did. And admins going “I don’t care if you said he did whatever – in signing up for this site you took your own personal responsibility. If you think it’s a real threat – call the FUZZ but the TOS means we don’t have to care…!”
They went screaming back to their Parents and Twitter.
So – since I have my own webhosting I’ll try to make a Blog + Forum/imageboard site from some DIY kits or perhaps hire a design as a sideline.
What I’m fighting again is the “Dead Internet” which is emerging with too much Social Media. On Twitter I found 90% of the time anything I posted was ONLY seen by friends and many of them went through periods of others not seeing them. These were usually (my impression/opinion) after some big argument. Then when there was a big national news thing or scare – such as recent “Day of Rage” over Israel/Palestine (kept OUT of it, thank you) it was like we were ALL “Shadowbanned” even the “Woke-Oids” I usually argue with or block were raving about missing messages….
We need to turn this around – start getting our OWN websites and insist hosting services are “Letter of the Law in the USA”. I’m “Liberal” but that means old school liberal where I respect that others can have views that I don’t, ones that even repulse me. I can call them off if I dislike it but they can have their own corner also. The defense of other’s horrid speech, even “hate” is YOUR defense for your speech when it is needed. “Feel free to speak your mind but be prepared to face dire consequences if what you say is … problematic…” is speech we have ALL had: Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Franko’s Spain, Stalin’s Russia and the Spain of Torquemada.
The internet needs to be 100% free speech to the letter of the law in the USA.
People should be able to make remarks sexist, racist, kooky, awful and to a large point get away with it. Backed by personal sentiment. I’m not going to post a ton of “Wyatt Mann” jokes here because I don’t support his level of racism though the frustration with things going on expressed is prophetic. The one I was going to put up was on what group controls “Pornography” but since poor Ron Jeremy is in prison/nuthouse and likely going to die I’m sad for him… If only I had a high budget 5 years ago for “Caged Women in the Hell Jail” the movie – I’d have begged him to play Generalismo Sadismo, an upgrade from “Pizzaface” in “Caged Heat”…
Anyways – please pass this on to people who love Pulp, Grindhouse, Roger Corman Movies, Xrated content…