Special “BloggVs MaXXXimVs” for precious INDIVIDUAL Snowflake SJW that managed to go viral over twitter then HID when there was backlash to the stupid frogwash she regurgitated…
Lordy, this would have made a good “One Angry Gamer” article – the frogwash about this being re-hashed. And the backlash from Twitter people over it being an old issue and DUH, Vader would indeed kill a stalker nurse without a second thought… Compounded by the stupid, vile “Sark” – Anita Sarkesian shrieking about boob armor in the Mandalorian which I don’t watch coz again Star Wars is DEAD… (one man’s opinion)
But I’m blogging not just on the master of the obvious but as a science fiction fan and writer.
Star Wars was brilliant. Dead now. Ended when Lucas sold out to Disney. Might as well dig up Marylin and having her skeleton dancing and singing next to Elvis… Oh, great, I’ve likely given them ideas… It now belongs in history going back to HG Wells, Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Phillip Francis Knowlan, E.E. “Doc” Smith, etc.
But – let’s see this cool scene again…!
Zap! Vrrrmmmm! Nutty nurse dead.
And – why doesn’t Vader have to do this every FUCKING WEEK!?
Look at the poor old man’s eyes… You can almost tell the artist thinks so himself – one man’s opinion… He’s not enraged someone dares propose LOVE to him, hurt by his lost and now gone forever Padme… He’s not angry from surprise after someone going into his unlocked chambers not being the latest assassin, more disappointed because he hates everything especially himself and some kind of kooky space assassin would thrill him so much he might not kill the troops for letting it get through…
And again, he’d have to do it every FUCKING WEEK the way Star Wars is.
Star wars is DEAD – I say again. Lucas sold out. It’s DEAD, Jim – like Star Trek – I’ll get to that later but don’t want to provoke my very first heart attack… But I love Star Wars – yes even Lucas’s “PreQuels” though the “Mush” of romance between Vader and Padme and bratty Anakin… Even Jar Jar I liked better. But like 85% Star Wars and no way could Lucas live up to 30 years of hype… And thanks to Disney, well a lot like even the prequels more…
But – let’s get to what Star Wars IS – a FANTASY set in space – a “Boomer” story based on sitting in college to avoid the draft, of thinking about the war in Vietnam and what could drive such a “Noble” ideal country like America into such a venture – AND – hyped up doped up college professors worshipping writers like Frank Herbert and Cambpell like the Gawdz themselves…
Star Wars is “The Heroes’ Journey” in … Spaaaaccceee!” and does a damn good job of it. A tribute to adventure science fiction a tribute to old fashioned good vs evil. A coming of age story. And actually a bit forward and progressive for its day – questioning authority (the “Authority” was the “Evil Empire”) and better “Women’s Roles” – the Princess after all helped her own rescue, was far more than some technology protected/caged princess that belonged in a fairy tale…
And, please, do not let modern “Sides” of “Left and Right” make you FUCKING like/dislike something automatically. It wasn’t made to say “USA in Vietnam baaadddd, maaannnnn….” however Lucas surely thought that – rather to by allegory and mythic image try to get people to question and think about things above being entertained. Why it was and is so classic.
IMO, George Lucas’s failing was NOT to “Let adults relive their childhood” – to have Disco parlors in space, make a movie much like the 70s vibe he had that resonated back into culture. The 70s were catching on in the 90s, Progressive Rock had an upswing, he should have went with it. It’s something I fight a lot – you can work on something so hard you diminish it instead of perfecting it – the False Muse of perfection is a vicious succubus indeed.
But let’s talk about Star Wars – as “Science Fiction”
Frankly, except to 20s, 30s science fiction it fails HUGELY. It certainly would not have passed Campbell (different guy) era muster and been laughed away by Clarke – lots of active science fiction writers at the time were rabid with hatred on Lucas and Rodenberry – and any who worked with them like Niven. (Star Trek – had the Kzin in animated ST) Not that that should be authorative but note also that today’s “hard Science fiction” akin to the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke is tomorrow’s “Steampunk” while today’s “Wonder” science fiction might be as profound as HG Wells’s stuff. Oh, Wells predicted modern “Streaming internet media” btw…in the late 1800s… And though mocked (citing Orson Scott Card via a howto book for science fiction writers) mercilessly Rodenberry’s “Warp Drive” seems to be possible. Not likely soon but the math/physics work…
Star wars is “Sci-Fi” – a term the late Ellison hated – but it’s some story that uses the trappings of science fiction as a background, but it’s a different story – from a “Western – in Spaaaaaccceeee!” classic adventure story to some alternative romance, adventure – heh-even PORN… Shameless self-plug, my own Slave Girls from Beyond the Galaxy comic would probably be porno-sci-fi though I try to stick in a little legit science fiction, especially when I get to some explaining in issue #2…
By Science Fiction as we know it – not hard but New Wave/quasi-plausible level – well…
It would have to be a civilization with near Kardeshev 4 technology (yes, I know he went to 3) that pretends to be a failing near Kardeshev 3. They are at about Level 4 because:
1 – can move in/out of the existing universe
2 – can tap matter/energy outside of existing universe – “Hypermatter reactor”
3 – have a technology that works far > human understanding – so someone who works/tinkers with stuff all day can do fantastic things but otherwise it’s old, set in stone…
4 – AND – “The Force” – per Episode 1 before Lucas SOLD OUT – he confirmed the Force had a real/universal cause – it wasn’t magic or God doing it – it was Midiwhatchacalorians…. But a sub-microscopic lifeform/machinery that manipulates the space-time fabric to create a new FORCE in the universe alone is “Level 4” range technology.
So they live and fight and buy twilek sex slaves in a galaxy full of Clarketech (so advanced as to be essentially magic) that’s ancient, decadent, etc. Hey, it’s a pretty neat idea, actually…. From “Science Fiction”, well Star Trek is a lot more plausible especially now that Warp Drive again is possible though “Possible” I say in quotations…
Different kinds of stories, though. Both have good storytelling in it, but Star Wars is more philosophical and mythic under an exciting/entertainment surface whereas Star Trek is more intellectual and social.
But let’s get back to poor, old Vader…
And why this is about him, how he mis-manages everything, etc.
Again, Vader would have to do this every …. fucking … WEEK.
At least…
Again, let’s go to the SW Imperial/Rebel galaxy. 20,000 + years of cheap, easy, free and FAST Space Travel. Short of a “Guild Highliner” from Dune there really aren’t that many faster ships in science fiction – though they have an odd network of Hyperspace passages, etc… (Golden Age of the Sith)
A Wookiepedia search “how many inhabited planets in star wars” got 50 MILLION inhabited star systems – which given modern astrophysics and all the planets, solar systems, likely Earth like ones…is LOW if anything… 20K years, FTL travel, it’s tiny if all that.
And – while there are lots of isolated systems, self-governing, etc. for the most part they’ve had travel, trade, cultural and language exchanges…
AND – all of this is run by ONE government – albeit a petty, squabbling, corrupt and bureaucratic one that fell to dictatorship…oppression, civil war…
And this is expressed in planets with cities covering them depending on constant trade over 1000 light years to survive which wowe’d Jeff Hawke – er Valerian er… Excuse me, Star Wars isn’t that “Original” rather it took lots of “Sci-Fi” elements and brought them to the big screen and mainstream acceptance – that is the accomplishment…
Said accomplishment of Lucas that Sci-fi was a niche and not acceptable by the mainstream. Until “Star Wars” if you were a young stud and had a “Hote Date” coming over and there was a fantasy or sci-fi book on the coffee table and an issue of Playboy you’d toss the FORMER into the fire/trash to avoid the date splitting thinking you were too immature. AFTER the release of Star Wars if you got hot with your lady you might be able to talk her into wearing her hair in buns – or later that “Metal Bikini” which previously you’d have had trouble talking a high paid call-girl into. Suddenly sci-fi and fantasy was acceptable as an entertainment medium for the general public- THAT Lucas deserves praise for.
And let’s get to Vader.
He rules by brutality and fear… “you have FAILED me…!” while he kills, chokes those under him. The same guys that are supposed to hold his back during a fight.
When not fighting/killing in the Emperor’s name… “For the Emperorrrrr!!!!!” (whoops, wrong one) When not in combat he isolates himself in a dark area and in his isolation chamber that lets him take off his suit he uses tools he’s made that let him modify the ultratech of his Clarketech but decadent world to make it work better for himself… And he has a desk covered in Kyber Crystals and other parts to make lightsabers – a bitter comedy he tends to LOSE them so he makes more…a gesture of defiance to his former master…
A – he’d be FRAGGED. IMO if Lucas was still on board – and the history of the Vietnam war…
B – He’d be stolen from if not fragged. Seriously, people in such a situation do things like that to express despair when saying it directly gets them disciplined or killed… (drafted into the army, shit stupid commanders, shit stupid endless war, spat on at home and hated by everyone) Look up Vietnam history.
I am not kidding – the stormtroopers would sneak into his chambers when he was out fighting or on a mission and there’d be a lookout if he came back – and they’d steal his stuff and he’d come back and they’d be gambling with them on the deck in the mess hall… It’d be a message of how they were in utter despair under him, a very sad cry for help.
C – He had NO security – relying on FEAR of him. A pile of valuable stuff on his desk, his open room, not even a simple fingerprint/code lock a storm trooper has on his footlocker for his equivalent of a few HUSTLERS so his fellows are likely to ask him before borrowing or trade their Penthouse equivalents…
D – He’d have a crazy, kooky psycho-sexual stalker in his room every FUCKING WEEK I say again and again. Seriously, go back to the 50 million inhabited planets… There would be – due to “Cult of Personality” effects enough people who’d be like that poor nutty nurse to outweigh the Death Star itself. The Death Star would be flooded with requests to serve there and with near-zero screening due to a very unpopular civil war they’d get the worst types of troops and most unstable people working for them…
The Assassins sent endlessly to kill him (the Emperor to test him, countless people he ruined or killed a family member, disgruntled troops) would be jumped on by a gay man covered in their equivalent of peanut butter waiting in his chamber – likely he’d have to kill them both then order a clean – up and end up choking more people because he was desperate for a few hours rest but now has to wait for a panicked clean up crew.
In short, while it explains how a “Rag-Tag Heroic Rebel Alliance” had ANY chance against such an “Empire” if held to any science fiction … well it was dumb.
Poor Admiral Thrawn – a victim of Specism and being in the wrong Science Fiction genre…and then killed off… He should have WON – taking out the Emperor/Vader then ruling the galaxy…versus being hindered by them till the rebels had too much power…
Rebels fight off a few Star Destroyers? Instead of a Death Star 2.0, 3.0 he’d make a few THOUSAND new Star Destroyers warp into their system, NOT in close formation (in case of —you know that Disney Deus Ex Mary Stupido Sue —) but ready to cover the planets in bombing that no matter how heroic they were they’d lose. THEN – before he wiped out a world – he’d TALK to the rebels, their backers, leaders of their people…and IMO a few hours of talk, listening to their complaints/issues, he’d have a deal signed up that was far less horrid than the Empire OR the former Republic and predatory “Trade Federations” and one by one they’d rush to deal with him, only holding the pretense of resisting to ensure terms -OR- likely just sending him a “Diplomatic Email” to avoid the need and risk for a fight. When the Vong invaded he’d have torn them to SHREDS (if still alive, unsure of species expected lifespan/use of tech) – or just maybe showed them he could have done so and negotiated a pass through or alliance.
Well not likely that any of us are going to become maimed #2 space wizard galactic overlords, but Vader is how NOT to run things. Anakin was a HERO to his men, the clone armies.
He should have simply
1 – Used basic locks/passwords with maybe an extreme backup since like a captain going into danger he should not have been allowed the ‘fun’ of the challenge more advanced opponents (space assassins with anti-force tech) gave him.
2 – Had guards and screening/scans for troops/personnel. The guards should have NOT been in terror of him, but some of the best of his surviving troops who’d helped him off the battlefield to repair his mangled body. They’d put a space assassin to task trying to ambush Vader and casually grab and take to a cell/shrink any sexual kooks which would still be a problem. No one would steal Vader’s stuff, out of fear of getting caught. He’d have them greet him with utmost respect and a little respectful fear but they’d treat their jobs as the most important job in that place beneath the Emperor, Vader and the upper officers of course.
3 – Basic leadership. Respect it or hire someone to do it for you. Millions of worlds full of people to choose from. Easy to find someone with good experience but stuck in a far corner needing a promotion, and managing troops so he can focus on killing rebels and missions for the Emperor… Someone to do #1 and #2 for him? A few virtual phone calls away.
4 – Not taken frustration out on troops trying to do their best. If they are incompetent they can be a VET to that thing that works in the garbage chute or some other “important demotion” as even with their automation doubtless tons of sh-t jobs even droids don’t like. Take frustration out on rebels, enemies, etc. Any troops find failing “you have FAILED me…” after they fucked up and the Rebels decimated (killed 10% of them) and leave it to Imperial discipline – and the back-hallway ‘justice’ of troops – most would resign or pretend to be nuts to get the fuck OUT if they had the chance if they messed up legit – no merciful choking.
If he did that he’d be a hero to his men again like he was as Anakin. Still a maniac/monster but throwing himself with such fantatic devotion, coming in burning and bleeding, having more metal grafted onto him and going right back… Such a man becomes a hero and his troops are fanatical in following him. Having an “officer of household duties” for the minor parts and NOT choking him or troops is the TL/DR option.
Disclaimer – this is a privately hosted blog and “Fair Use” applies as from stuff publicly published all over the net, talked about so is socially relevant and way past publication date so no real ‘spoilers’ – matter of fact the bleating by SJWs prompted me to buy that issue while normally I vow NO purchase (or even illegal download) of Disney era Star Wars.
Well, this has been a kooky but fun BloggVs MaXXXimVs…
Prolly’ going to do a GammVs MaXXXimVs sooner or later – more X rated games I’ve played…
Feel free to comment but be warned – I MELT “Precious Individual Snowflakes” who spray “Social Justice” crap – though I’m (old school) “Left” myself – but I don’t care politics left or right, I value good argument, debate, free discussion all that is welcome in the spirit of the now Cucked to death “One Angry Gamer” site… Privately hosted server, no ‘admin’ to complain about to if I or someone says something to hurt your fee-fees… Per problems with wordpress software being a magnet for spam spiders links are turned off so instead of ‘www.galaxyslavegirls.com’ you should type ‘www galaxyslavegirls dot com’ so if anyone cares they can type it in. Free speech to the MaXXXimVs allowed under USA law, I do reserve the right to edit/delete if I have to. No image posting for now, till I can figure out that script…
Hey,is me.Danielhao.Still online in 2021 ?
Glad i bookmark this site before the Billy left the OAG.
After Billy left the OAG and Kevin take over the OAG,we move to the voat but then voat…is already shut up in December 2020… Anyways, I’m glad I bookmark your site before the old OAG shutdown.
we(I mean the old OAG member.)
Sorry that I not come to this site early cuz I am busy that time.
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There is certainly a great deal to learn about this topic. I like all the points you have made.
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