The Proposal
The working idea for now is to make a “SARK” score. Named in loving appreciation of Anita of
course. She’s a public figure now (speaking at the U.N. for instance) so she is fully subject to parody
and exposure a private citizen could demand legal protection for.
I’ll just say SARK is S.A.R.K - let’s see “Stop Annoying Retch-inducing Kooks” from ruining OUR
Maybe “Situational Attractive Reward Kompensation”…?
The SARK score simply uses her tropes and adds a “Point” for each and every instance of sexism,
racism, other offensive “-isms” the Social Justice crowd whines about. Now “one Man’s Opinion” but
if it was a college essay I’d have gotten a C at best - ‘course I went to College when they taught you
stuff you had to prove you learned - not pay huge amounts of $ to sit in class and get through to beg
for slightly better McWork far off balanced by the debt. So I will have to add to this list - it’s frankly
The Proposal
dissappointing… And they gave her $100K to do it!? Oh, well…
So - for starters Add one point (unless otherwise noted) for:
Some of these kind of overlap a bit so if two qualifyers very similar add one point but in case of expanded add the higher point score. Like if there was a princess the
character could rescue #1 but you could have sex with her after ‘earning it’ save later in the game after the kingdom is pretty saved well up to 3 points extra if good
interaction and both seperate issues. (Brutal Legend should qualify there, even though just make-out not naked sex) On the other hand if I put a bunch of tribal and
oriental women dancing in a club window/stage in a Cyberpunk game and it was point and click and one or two of the characters were dancers but minimal like “Buy me a
drink, sailor?” then only one point no additional point for #6
1 - Damsels in Distress - rescue the princess - Duh!
2 - Ms. Male - generic ‘female’ character but like the male
3 - Women as background decoration - like strippers at a bar, dancers for a bar in the window, nearly nude slave girls at auction in the background…
4 - Women as Reward - finish the game/level - get a kiss, sex scene, etc.
5 - Lady Sidekick - have to drag around/protect/deliver some lady character to open doors or whatever.
6 - Exotic Fantasy - Think hot voodoo shaman woman, sexy oriental sex slave or femme fatale - has to be a major character vs #3 issue and has to mirror RL exotic
location like Arabesque, Orientalist…
7 - Sinister Seductress - think Dark Queen from Battletoads or a character from Mass Effect
8 - All the slender ladies - All women are hot and the same figure - hey any Manara comic is like this too - beautiful women but same figure slightly different hair/face.
Now women come in all shapes and sizes, I know, but this is to make Anita scream so point if 75% of women all pretty model types with maybe hair/face slightly different….
9 - Lingerie as armor - from the Chainmail bikini to literal lingerie on females that can do advanced Karatae or keep zapping a giant armored knight yet looking like a “Loli
Hentai” reject with animal ears.
10 - The Male Gaze - fanservice scenes but not #2 and a step beyond #3 - think a very “Quiet” sexy sniper lady that strips in the helicopter for the macho man player..
11 - DatAzz - pretty much a given for 3rd party games - hot female figure runs around, you get to look at her butt long as its sexy.
---BUT and I don’t mean as in Laura’s - this is where she is “C” at best - “One Man’s Opinion” there is SO much fun that could be put into a game that would make it
naughty fun and make the “Social Justice” crowd SCREAM. Stuff we who BUY games could demand from game makers.
So - I’m adding -
12 - Sexual Interaction - from God of War to other games - if there’s an interactive sex scene. Give it 3 points since this takes a LOT of programming. A sex scene is 1
point, coz its just an animation but an interactive thing even swipe B to fiddle the titties…that’s a lot more work.
12A - Sex Toy - my own idea - like for a science fiction game or a fantasy game have either a gynoid (female like robot/android) or a Imp/Succubus character that can be
summoned for a sex sub-game and possible healing or magical charge, whatever - again 3 points since a lot more work to program in.
13 - Sex torture - like character can go to an S&M club, pay to flog lightly some bound lady… A mideval dungeon where you can take advantage of prisoners… Or a game
with huge interactions. I’d imagine a cyberpunk game with ladies in booths you can put in coins (slide cards) and various nasty stuff happens… 1 to 3 points depending on
how involved/varied.
14 - You like DICK, FAGGOT!? - hey, I’m “Liberal” but tolerance <> acceptance. Just coz the Social Justice crowd loves to scream at anything 1-3 points for gay bashing.
I don’t advocate it in RL - but give them points for it so as consumers scream for SARK scores a producer is tempted to put in a “Punch out the annoying freaky gay guy…”
short to get a point or two…
15 - You Fucking ---------! - Expand to racist behavior, religious prejudice, etc. Hey, we won’t demand they put these in there, but if they do give them points. Again like
#14 I’m not for bashing based on race or religion, etc. But we need to ram one to these Social Justice clowns - let there be MORE legit horrible stuff in games and let them
be blamed for it - that all they did was make things worse when there was no need to fix a largely G-rated market that did try to mass appeal already with or without them.
I’ll soon add a section with some SARK scores. I can’t play every game to full and most obviously will score low. However I can add scores (subject to change) based on
reviewers I trust and expand this later.