RPGs worthy of Hatred
- I reccomend NOT buying these
Now, really, I’m for “Free Speech” to near absolute. I don’t care if
some game has a subject I don’t like or the authors have a political or
religious view, etc. I don’t like. I mean one BILLION and one better
things to do.
Games that have earned a place on this list are games that I know of
that have accepted a Cuck’d, Social-Justice agenda - but usually due to
formerly having been a respected game company they don’t advertise -
rather they keep feeding off the base while within the vile SJW worms
corrupt the host to kill it.
What follows is “One Man’s Opinion” and why - make it clear I
advocate NO violence, harassment - even nasty emails or blog postings
coz the Rainbow Unicorn Snowflakes that run it have an ear to the fake
media and report even an “I disagree with …” as “Hate Speech”, a
“Death Threat” etc. What I post is again “One Man’s Opinion” and a
reccomendation to go to many other RPGs out there versus supporting
a once great company now sliding to Social Justice toxic sludge.
Again, anyone of the “Social Justice” outlook?
Make it LOUD it’s for followers of your narrow ideology and no one
else is welcome to buy it… Hey, all you got to do is type it up and put it
on the net, you don’t need to have a pile of dead trees - recycled or not
- and transporation, mailing, shelf-space… Put it on DriveThru RPG and
any number of online stores, get a $5 again for “The Cause” or
whatever - I won’t post the game here in insult unless you ask me to.
So - onwards to the list:
Dungeons and Dragons
and most “Major” gaming
companies these days…
Including “White Wolf”…
This is sad - I cut my munchkin teeth on D&D. But I haven’t bought
anything new from them since 3rd edition and no no “Stealing” just
rather used or other RPGs. They’ve been chewed up and shat out by
SO many companies they are #1 target for “Social Justice” ruining them
by infilatration and pollution. Except by a reverse Un-Virtue signal such
as a re-issue of “Book of Vile Darkness” but legit +18 not mmmaybe R
rated like the 3rd edition thing… I’m hearing some real shit rumors.
Not going to post (yet) but “one man’s opinion”…
Now I’m not saying don’t ever play them again - or ditch your
existing stuff - just look into the new books and be aware they might
be SJW converged so you’d be buying bland shit with a SJW message
hacked out by people who probably never played the game but got
“Diversity” hired right out of some Debt Factory (college)…
Usually when a game gets converged its too late - but these do
change hands soon. If D&D does go through a “Cuck” phase it’s sales
will plummet - especially if we warn people - and then some other
company will buy them up and back to “Silver Princess” and girl
wearing jeweled lingerie fighting an Efreet on a cover…!
Monte Cook Games
Aka “Monte CUCK Games” - formerly pretty cool but have been SJW
converged. How I dare say? Their “Consent in Gaming” piece of SHIT.
Short of a game from a major RPG company like D&D detailing Satanic
pacts in the 80s there’s little more they could do to give the Nucking
Futz Fundies who always use RPGs as a cheap target ammo.
It’s like this:
Q. How is an RPG like a pornographic magazine or a brutal sadistic sex
film like I.N.S.E.X.?
A. They both require a list of actions that might be offensive/hurtful
and a consent agreement from participants to avoid problems later.
Thank you, Monte CUCK games - you’ve lowered RPGs to the level of
vile raw sex, vicious whippings that draw blood, knives slid into cunts and
cutting and choking bondage movies… And yes the Nucking Futz Fundies will
indeed use this to try to ban them again sooner or later…
Relatively new game - lots of art, lots of cool rules, neat “GrimDark” theme.
I liked this game - despite discovering it at a time watching any new
purchases I almost went “Take my money NOW!” and paid nearly full price
for it. Luckily it was at Barnes and Noble so I read through it… And found
early on…
“Gender Neutrality”
What …. the … CUCK!?
The CUCK, it BURNS…!
It BURNS, the CUCK!!!
A “GrimDark” game that struggles to be Politically CORRECT…
Almost literally “Kosher as Ham on Rye”…
GrimDark is the polar opposite of Political Correctness.
Now don’t mis-understand. If you do GrimDark you don’t have to make
themes of sexism, racism etc. However a world a story that is GrimDark is
one where indeed such bad things happen as the norm. Where cruel things
indeed happen to good people and there’s no guaruntee of justice. Where
even if the heroes do “save the world” and make everything lovy-dovy well
once they die things will go right back to shit most likely - or perhaps become
corrupted and twisted and become the new evil oppression.
Frankly, I hate them least on this list, even if I add more. I honestly don’t
wish ill. I’m grateful to them for at least spelling out early how they were on
the road to CUCKery - such as the road to HELL, paved with good intentions.
Otherwise I’d have spent $60 on some big book and likely screamed and
bashed it, then not been able to return it. And likely worried people the
language I’d use. Fortunately I could bite my lip to near blood and hold
myself and put the book back and NOT buy it.
And warn others not to buy it, unless they like CUCK in their RPG…!
Fate of Cthulhu
-and anything from Evil Hat Games-
Bunch of fake liberal CUCKS - Just “One Man’s Opinion”
However, through official communications and twitter and pages in their
RPG books they’ve made it clear they want to make MONEY off the memory
of HP Lovecraft - but they hate Lovecraft the person, his politics, etc. At
least - like the start of this article they are HONEST about it - spelling openly
that if you don’t believe 100% in their social justice politcs they “Don’t want
your money”…
I thank them for it. If you have any RESPECT for H.P. Lovecraft you won’t
buy from this company…
To respect HP Lovecraft, well you don’t have to be racist - but recognize he
had racist attitudes though quite MILD for his time and he never hurt anyone
- he mostly HID from other people. He softened a bit later in life also. This
company - “Just one man’s opinion” is garbage -a “Cash grab” that’d
probably go “Cancel Culture” on Lovecraft if he was alive today, trying to
organize boycotts of Weird Tales for paying him money, maybe vicious
attacks “Puch a Nazi” style, etc.
And per Doomcock “Without RESPECT we REJECT”
Pretty funny, really, coz Cthulhu is really “Liberal” even if his creator was
racist by today’s standards… - catering to non-whites, mulattos, degenerate
swamp dwelling metis white people (that good WASP society hated) - but
really wants anyone in his cult to awaken him - so he can drive us all mad
and EAT ALL of us - no prejudice to race, religion, whatever… This depiction
of “Lovecraft Country” of Klansmen worshipping him - they’d get a smack
with a tentacle to let ANYONE join the “Real Klan of Kthulhu” or whatever.
Nom nom nom…
Just FYI, I ain’t
posting any links, any
pay links, any pics
from these games on
this page. I don’t want
to promote them, I
don’t want to make
even a DIME from
them even if some
SJW reads this and
marches to buy them
to flip me one, hey, if
there’s a market,
good. And I don’t
want an attempt to
silence me via a fake
DMCA claim by some
SJW for posting ‘their’
work even a cover
clearly protected
under fair use… Mind
you I’ll SUE any fake
DMCA claim - serious I
can do that - and this
is MY site, not some
site under a ‘free’
service, I don’t fear
some CryBully filing
one or a thousand fake