Slave Girls from Beyond the Galaxy!
Slave Girls from Beyond the Galaxy!
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      Out of the Milky Way, towards the Purple Nebula a massive Alien ship moves down a narrow trail of stars and dust to some distant world.  It is piloted by Insectoid Aliens, a miniature world but not all aboard are those that come from the Hive worlds!     In the inner chambers women from across the galaxy are kept, human women…  Their function; to bear insect eggs and incubate them for more efficient births and expand the Hive’s population beyond what the Hive Queen could do on her own!     Confined in inner chambers they moan and scream in forced orgasms as one inseminator after another triggers intense pleasure as it pushes eggs into their enhanced wombs!  Later they scream in agony and terror as they birth horrors!  They are doomed to live out their lives like this, breeders for the Bug worlds! But - !     Some dare plan escape!  Some will find a way to break for freedom, and to seek revenge against the evil men who sold them to the Insect Hives…!
40 pages!
Detailed renders!
Realistic yet un-real!
Like the 70s “Grindhouse” meets the 80s knock-off “B-Movies”!
No snooty pseudo- intellectual “New Wave” garbage, this is PULP adventure!  No Treacly “Social Justice Warrior” pandering! Snowflakes are NOT the target audience!  The main audience is men and those that like sci-fi adventure and naughty stuff - lesbians and people bored with the normal crap the “mass-media” flings at you are welcome!  Click for Sales sites - previews available to see what you are getting!
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